Update on measures taken regarding COVID-19

Dear Everybody Yoga Family,

Like you, I have been following developments regarding the COVID-19 situation. I am adapting to the situation as it evolves and wanted to update you on the steps I am taking to ensure my yoga classes remain safe and hygienic.


All mats provided for classes or massages are cleaned after each session using an essential oil based disinfectant from doTerra called OnGuard.All of our class venues provide hand washing facilities. All surfaces, including floors, door handles, etc will be cleaned and/or disinfected as part of setup for each class. For now we will stop using shared props in the circle during children’s classes, we will continue to use props that individuals can use by themselves and that we can pop in the washing machine to clean thoroughly after each use.


Remember to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water in the bathroom before and after class. If you have any common-cold like symptoms, please stay at home and rest. You can let us know via email or text that you are unable to attend. You will not be charged for a late cancellation in this instance. We will pause classes if the government requires education establishments to close. During this time our termly clients will be able to carry over to the next term any sessions missed due to illness or closure.

I will continue to follow government guidance and will advise clients of any changes to advice received.
Please do not hesitate to raise any issues or concerns that you may have.
Namaste Sarah

Enrico Barbieri